Competitive Programming assignment tutors in West Shewrapara, Mirpur

  • Mahade Hasan Algorithms, Data Structures, Problem solving

I am a student of Information and Communication Technology at a well-known university in Bangladesh. When I came to know about programming and problem solving I liked that very much and invested lots of time learning it. I am confident that I am pretty good at it now. I always try to attend various programming competitions as ICPC, Google Code...

  • Dhaka
  • 5001,000/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.

Teaching has been my journey since my university's early days, a path I never expected to tread. With joy, I've guided more than 200 students, and that journey continues today. My aim is simple: to make learning enjoyable and inspire a love for knowledge in each student.

I believe in straightforward communication and creative teaching methods....

  • Uttara
  • 5,000/month
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 5 km

